Sunday 14 February 2016

You know what!: A Valentine's Day Poem

You know what!: A Valentine's Day Poem: Sick of the heartache that love always brings. There’s a bite in its tail which always stings. Left nursing the wounds among ot...

A Valentine's Day Poem

Sick of the heartache that love always brings.

There’s a bite in its tail which always stings.

Left nursing the wounds among other things.

You know when it’s over the longing begins.

You should have known better
Maybe next time you’ll say
When love comes a calling
Hell man, aint no way

The roses and romance soon give way to pain.

Don’t let yourself be sucked in again.

Give it a miss and don’t go insane.

From heartache and hurt you must refrain.

You know you know better
So next time just say
When love comes a wooing
Hell man, aint no way

Lock all the doors put a wall round your heart.

Don’t wait for the tear drops and heartache to start.

It gets better they tell you the more your apart.

Protect yourself always from cupid’s sharp dart.

Just say you know better
And next time just say
When love comes a knocking
Hell man, ain’t no way !

Sian Elisabeth Jones January 2008

You know what!: The world belongs to all of us, so why is it that ...

You know what!: The world belongs to all of us, so why is it that ...: The world belongs to all of us, so why is it that when the chips are really down it's left up to such men as Cameron and Obama, they&#...

You know what!: Day One.

You know what!: Day One.: My first attempt at this and YOU KNOW WHAT, I can't think of anything intelligent to say. Maybe it's like learning to ride a bike. T...
The world belongs to all of us, so why is it that when
the chips are really down it's left up to such men
as Cameron and Obama, they're going to kill us all
they'll be safe within their bunkers when the bombs begin to fall!

Written originally in about 1985 but names changed from Reagan and Gadafi to suit today.

Siân E Jones
Copyright   1982 and 14.2.2016

Day One.

My first attempt at this and YOU KNOW WHAT, I can't think of anything intelligent to say. Maybe it's like learning to ride a bike. There will be a few shaky attempts where I wobble and fall off, then slowly, each time I take it out I'll get a little bit better. Eventually I'll be cruising along, enjoying the ride and waving at all you friendly folk along the way, stopping off here and there for a chat about, life, the universe and everything. YOU KNOW WHAT, I could learn to enjoy this *)